Friday, August 15

Friday fever

Hello Bloggers, Good day to all of you. Sorry i was so busy yesterday and i forgot to make a post again. I am still busy too now. My boss need some update from the website I'm working on next week. So i for too finish some of it before next week. I'm not feeling that well today. I have a flu. Have body ache and fever. But i still went to work. I felt if i just stay home it will only get worst. I do take up medicine for my flu. I hope it really wont get worst. I really don't like bed resting when I'm sick. I feel bored if i stay whole day at home laying down. I got wet yesterday cause i didn't brought my umbrella. I thought it wont rain. But now i brought an umbrella already. But still i hope it wont rain later when i go home. Kinda hard to go home when it rain cause of the flood. My fiancée just called. He do miss me he said. And of course i miss him too so much. we haven't chat for 2 weeks now i guess. but we still talk everyday. Cause he call everyday too.
Well i guess thats all for now. I got to go back to my work and get some stuff done. Take care all... God Bless and babushka!!!!!!

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