Saturday, June 28

Looking forward to weekends

Hello bloggers I didn't had time to make a post yesterday cause there are so many work to do. I had so many task to accomplish. And actually i haven't finish all of the task yet. Hopefully i can finish them all today, so that i can have a new task by Tuesday. I plan to go to pampanga today to and spend my weekends and day off there. I already miss my nephew plus i got to pay bills there too. I will go straight there after school. I have a cold today. I guess its cause of the weather. The office s cold with air conditioning then outside it was so hot and humid. And usually with my task i usually got to go out and do them. But i do like working instead of stay home its really boring. I feel im already adapting on this new environment again. Like i said before Manila is a very crowded place unlike in pampanga. I already stay here for two weeks straight and so far it was hard to adjust. I know i was born in manila but living in pampanga for 6 years. Its really hard to go back in manila and adjust to the traffic the crowd and everything. Well i do see all of this as a challenge. Sometimes it is stressing hehehehhe and i feel down, but i get over it after awhile and do it.
I guess when a person is maturing he/she got to get used of all of the challenges in life. Specially for me at my age i got to get used to it and always have a positive position, plus with my up coming plan to have a family with my fiance i got to be strong with all of the challenge in life.
Well i got to go and start working heheehehhehe I am sure i can post tomorrow. I can use my computer at home all the time hehehhhe. Take care..... God bless

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