Wednesday, May 7

Ordinary day

This will be a quick post. I just finish my picture trail. All of u who wanna check it out can come at visit At last i did finish it. But i will put more picture there. So hope u all come and check it out. And don't forget to give comments and Sign on my Guest book.
My day is just fine a simple day for me. Usual thing. Edit my picturetrail like i said earlier I didn't babysit my nephew cause his mom is home. I ask mom to pay the water but she kinda didn't understand it so she went to the market and used the money i gave her... heheheh. Not cool but its ok it happened already nothing i can do anymore.At least we have food for a long time. Bad things is i don't know how to pay the water now.. heheheh. But i will get some answer about it soon. I plan to post a quick one cause i got to do my assignment for tomorrow school. I pray i wont have any mistake.
Well i guess thats all for now i got to do my assignment. I got to do 6 kinds of pattern for a dress. So that will took long.Thats mean i will go for now.... Takecare all ... God Bless... And Babushka!!!!

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